Purchase number to use as Caller ID and assign to campaign for call tracking.
Navigating to Numbers Page
In Novocall Conversations, you can manage numbers, ones you already owned or bought, as well as purchasing new numbers, all from a single numbers page. From your Conversations Dashboard, go to Settings > Numbers from the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.
Within the page, there are two sections: A table of your numbers purchased in Novocall and a list of verified Caller ID.
Purchasing New Number
You can purchase a number by clicking on the Purchase Number button at the top-right of the page. The purchase number pop-up will appear as shown below.
In purchasing a new number, you can select the country code and options of available numbers will appear. The price of the number subscription will appear beside the number. If you subscribe to our Call Tracking solution and have any unused number credit, the number subscription will be charged as free.
Here, you can also set where you want to forward the incoming calls to that number to. If you are using Novocall Inbound solution, you can forward calls to your Call Reps and even to a specific department.
Once everything is set up, you can click Purchase.
Adding A Caller ID
Caller ID is a number to be shown in your agent's and lead's phone when they receive incoming call from Novocall. You can set your office number as your Caller ID so that the agents and leads can identify that the incoming call is a lead call made through Novocall. To do so, you need to verify that number first in the Caller ID section.
Click on +Add Caller ID button, Add Verified Number pop-up will appear.
If you have verified numbers before, such as your call rep's number or your own number when you first set up Novocall account, you can import that number as Caller ID.
You can also verify a new number by SMS or call. Enter the verification code > click Verify > and done.