Eliminate all athe manual work and instantly connected at the scheduled time with one single click for you and your attendee.

The main feature of TimeSync by Novocall is its Instant Callback feature that supports 42 countries. No more opening tabs to connect through conferencing software or manually dialing numbers to start your meeting.

How Does It Work?

  1. Meeting Scheduled

    When the invitee clicks on your calendar link, they are required to fill their phone number to schedule with you.

  2. Automatic call to you as the invitor

    At the scheduled time, TimeSync by Novocall rings your number.

  3. Once answered, TimeSync rings your invitee
    Once you pick-up, TimeSync will call your invitee. This happens in a span of 20 seconds.


  • Efficiently schedule meetings without back and forth conversations

  • Remove manual (and unnecessary) steps and instantly connected at the scheduled times

  • Reduce time spends to get more actual work done

Learn how to set-up phone meeting automation here.