Personalize your booking page appearance to match your brand.
With TimeSync, you can let your invitees to book a meeting in two ways:
- From your user link, which leads to your homepage where they can select from several appointment type, or
- From the direct meeting link of a specific appointment type.
In this guide, we'll let you know how to personalize a meeting page appearance.
From your TimeSync dashboard, select which meeting type you want to edit by clicking the box.
In the Event Settings, Go to Event Details tab, and click on Advance Settings.
Further setting options will appear as follows.
- You can set your displayed name and where your email notifications will be sent to.
- To change the layout color, click on the color hex code. You can select the color by moving the picker inside the color panel, or you can type the color hex code.
- Upload your logo by clicking the 'Upload an Image' button and select the file from your device.
- Once you're done, click Next. Scroll down and hit the 'Update' button.