Set where your notifications will be sent to and how you'd like your customers to receive notifications.
Navigate to "Settings" > "General Settings" > "Notifications"
Customize the SMS that your customers receive.
In the SMS Configuration box, you'll be able to configure the SMS your callers receive after a successful call or a missed call. Go to Content tab and open SMS Configuration box.
Successful Calls
After each successful call between call rep and caller, the caller will receive a personalized SMS.
The default message is:
where [Company], [Call Rep Name] and [Call Rep Number] are placeholders for real details.
Missed Calls
When Novocall connects your call rep with your customers but was unsuccessful, your customer will receive an SMS regarding the missed call.
Here's an example of the SMS:
Important: There are 2 types of missed calls:
Customer requested callback, your company's call rep answered but no answer from customers
Customer requested callback, none of your company's call reps answered.
Important: There are 3 placeholders - Call Rep Name, Call Rep Number, Company to add in your SMS. We'd recommend adding them in your customized SMS to make your contact more personalized.