Find all information about your call leads here, including call history, lead source, and more.
The leads tab is divided into 3 sections based on the type of calls, which are:
- Inbound,
- Outbound, and
- Call Tracking
General Features
All leads page will be equipped with the following functionalities.
You can filter to only show the leads assigned to certain call reps or department.
Download your call logs as CSV or Excel sheet.
Search for specific call logs.
Customizable Table
Click on the setting icon at the upper right side of the leads table and you will be able to select which data you want to see in the leads table.
Action Feature
View individual call details and follow up with leads.
Upon clicking the view button, call details will be shown. You will be able to add information here, such as adding tag, comment, assign call rep and department, and marking as a spam.
If you want to follow up with a lead, simply click on the follow up button and Novocall will connect you and the customer through a phone call. Novocall will ring your phone, and once you answer, Novocall will ring the lead.
Now, let's take a look at the leads table in each page.
In the Inbound page, leads information is categorized into Calls, Schedules, and Messages. For each tab, leads history and all related information will be shown.
Outbound and Call Tracking
In the Outbound and Call Tracking page, you can see the call history and all related information.